information icon

The Flexpass Program will be permanently deactivated at the end of the current permit year at 11:59pm, April 30, 2025. Click here for more information.

St. george campus

EV Charging Stations

Electric vehicles continue to gain in popularity in Canada, Transportation Services continues to stay ahead of growing customer demand by offering the University community Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations on campus.


Landmark Garage icon

Landmark Parking Garage offers 48 EV charging stations.

For a limited time, enjoy parking at just $18 per day, including complimentary EV charging at Landmark Garage, right beneath the King College’s Circle.  


Charging Fees

Please note: The charging fee does not include the price for parking. Any vehicle using the EV charging station must also pay for parking to cover their time inside the garage.

first 4 hours

There is a 4 hour charging limit.

$4 / HOUR


After the first 4 hours, the charging rate of $10.00 per hour applies.

$10 / HOUR

* Any vehicle parked in an EV charging station space without the use of the EV charging station may be subject to a Parking Violation Notice (a City of Toronto issued ticket) and/or a tow at the vehicle owner’s expense.

* Any EV vehicle that is fully charged but is still parked in the EV charging station space may be subject to a Parking Violation Notice and/or a tow at the vehicle owner’s expense.

Landmark Parking Garage EV charging stations

state-of-the-art 240 Volt chargers

Charge your car on campus

Find 48 EV charging stations at Landmark Parking Garage.

And two EV charging stations at each of the following locations:

  • BCIT Parking Garage (213 Huron Street) – Level P2
  • St. George Parking Garage (107 St. George Street) – Level P1
plug icon

Register for ChargePoint

Start charging using ChargePoint.


Use of Wall Oulets Prohibited

Plugging vehicles into standard wall outlets in parking garages is strictly prohibited as the facilities were not designed with this activity in mind. It is a very serious safety and fire hazard and can overload the embedded power circuitry. Resulting in injury as well as damage to vehicles and the parking structure.

save on daily rates

Try a Flexpass!

To meet the needs of those who drive regularly to campus, but not often enough to warrant purchasing a parking permit, we’ve introduced the Parking Flexpass—a package of daily parking passes at a reduced price—perfect for occasional parking on campus.