five students in a classroom


Safety tips

Safety tips

Transportation Services strives to provide safe parking facilities across the St. George campus.

The time when many people feel most vulnerable is when they are either leaving or returning to a parked car. Particularly at night. Remain vigilant and aware of your surroundings at all times.

University of Toronto

Campus Safety Programs

work Alone

The program is designed for students, staff and faculty who are working alone in isolated areas on campus and for individuals with ongoing personal safety concerns.


A free service that is available 24/7, 365 days a year. A Building Patroller or Special Constable will escort you to and from any location on campus and abutting TTC stations for added peace of mind.

Campus Emergency Phones

Stationary phones are located strategically around the University of Toronto St. George campus. They can be used to call Campus Safety communications if you are in distress or are experiencing any other type of emergency.

Safety tips

Keep in Mind

Theft of Electronics

  • Don’t leave your personal electronics unattended – keep them in sight and within reach
  • Pack lightly for the day and keep your valuables at home unless you need them.
  • Pay attention to your surroundings when taking out and using your electronic devices.
  • Consider purchasing a STOP Plate for your laptop or tablet to help increase chances of recovery in the event of a theft.
  • Keep a record of your device’s information (e.g. serial #, make and model) somewhere safe to help increase the chance of recovery.

Theft from Lockers

  • Invest in a high-quality lock for your locker and use it!
  • Check your lock on a regular basis and replace it if it is showing signs of wear.
  • Keep your locker combination on your key to yourself.
  • Consider leaving valuables that you don’t need for the day at home.
  • Pay attention to you surroundings when accessing your locker, especially when depositing items into your locker. Report any suspicious activity to Campus Police or building patrollers.
  • Always double check your lock before leaving the area to ensure it is secure.

Theft from Vehicles

  • Ensure all doors are locked and secured prior to leaving the area.
  • Check to ensure all windows (including sunroofs) are closed entirely.
  • Don’t leave valuables in your car – if you must leave them, hide them from view prior to parking.
  • Be mindful that charging cords, GPS mounts and other accessories left in plain view can signal the presence of valuable items in the vehicle. Keep them hidden.
  • Don’t leave your registration or insurance paperwork in the vehicle – these documents have your home address listed
  • Don’t leave your home car garage opener in the vehicle – take it with you.