information icon

The Flexpass Program will be permanently deactivated at the end of the current permit year at 11:59pm, April 30, 2025. Click here for more information.





  • How to Pay: Machines

    If you have chosen to pay a daily rate, these are the different options you will find on campus. At various locations Pay-by-Plate Input your license …

  • License Plate Change Policy

    Permits can only have one registered license plate. However, permit holders have access to their account and have a maximum of 7 changes, in a rolling 7 day period.

  • Parking regulations

    These regulations reflect the current policies of the St. George Campus Transportation Services including the current availability of parking spaces. Should parking conditions change, Transportation Services reserves the right to modify these regulations or create new ones at our discretion. Any  additions or changes will be comminucated to permit holders and will be fully enforceable upon their implementation. 

  • Safety tips

    The time when many people feel most vulnerable is when they are either leaving or returning to a parked car. Particularly at night. Remain vigilant and aware of your surroundings at all times.

St. George Campus

interactive parking map

Looking for parking on campus?